Pilates in St Albans Classes

  • 6 live, online Pilates classes each week
    • Monday 10am
    • Monday 7:30pm*
    • Monday 8:35pm (Advanced)*
    • Wednesday 10am
    • Wednesday 8pm
    • Thursday 10am
  • Come to one, or as many as you want
  • The same teacher at each class
  • Classes all year not just during term time
  • Look out for our Surprise Stretch classes
  • (*8pm class during the holidays)
  • IMG-20171216-WA0078
  • IMG-20171216-WA0018
  • IMG-20171216-WA0077
  • IMG-20171216-WA0078
  • IMG-20171216-WA0018

Pilates is for total body fitness, providing non-impact exercise that strengthens the deep muscles of the abdomen and spine.  Pilates lengthens muscles, as they are strengthened, resulting in long, lean, strong and flexible muscles which improve alignment, balance, core strength and posture. Pilates increases flexibility and overall strength, providing a perfect life balance between strength and suppleness. Greater joint mobility, strength, improved co-ordination and general body awareness lead to improved energy and better performance and management with benefits crossing over into your everyday life. 

Pilates can manage, maintain and develop body weaknesses leading to less incidences of back and neck pain, stabilisation of knee and hip and shoulder joints, fewer injuries with the added benefits of a toned body with a flatter stomach and leaner, stronger core, arms and legs. Pilates is versatile, adaptable and effective whatever you age, fitness level and personal needs. Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and Medics recommend Pilates. For years dancers have included Pilates in their fitness schedules but this has extended widely in sports including football, rugby, cricket, cycling and golf.

Q&A about our live, online Pilates Classes

Prices & Terms about our live, online Pilates Classes

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